All variable autotransformers, whether single or assembled, can be provided motorised (indicated by the suffix “M).

Motorised control models permit remote control of large amounts of power. A variable autotransformer with motorised control can be installed in any remote place and in the control station where you wish; they have the same nominal current as their corresponding manually-operated models.

The motorised control is a compact integral unit mounted on top of the assembly.

In the standard composition, the variable autotransformer is controlled by a 220 Volt gearmotor powered with alternating current or with a gearmotor powered by 24 V direct current; the speed from zero to the maximum output voltage can be 4 sec. – 8 sec. – 16 sec. – 32 sec. – 64 sec.

(Other speeds are also available on request).


Emergency manual control.

Slipping clutches are available on all models as an optional extra.

Limit switches.

Control limit micro-switches are placed at the start and end to prevent overvoltage. They are always fitted as standard and are fully adjustable.

Additional limit switches can be requested for operations and control of auxiliary circuits


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